Character Sketches – Trinity

Character Sketches – Trinity published on No Comments on Character Sketches – Trinity

[For the hiatus, I’m going to be posting a bunch of the development art I made for the series. It’ll be posted in the order it was made, leading up to the week the comic resumes] {Original Commentary} My very first ever sketches of Trinity Shepard, from Key to the Future’s Fate. I was going… Continue reading Character Sketches – Trinity

Character Sketches – Luca

Character Sketches – Luca published on 1 Comment on Character Sketches – Luca

[For the hiatus, I’m going to be posting a bunch of the development art I made for the series. It’ll be posted in the order it was made, leading up to the week the comic resumes] {ORIGINAL COMMENTARY} My first sketches of my character Luca from Key to the Future’s Fate. By this point I… Continue reading Character Sketches – Luca

Character Ask 1

Character Ask 1 published on No Comments on Character Ask 1

A new little something I made for the hiatus! I’m allowing people to ask questions to me and the characters, and this was the first one I got. It’s from the maker of the webcomic Vulperra! I’ve had lots of inspirations come and go, but the first one that got me into webcomics specifically was… Continue reading Character Ask 1

Character Sketches – Leon

Character Sketches – Leon published on No Comments on Character Sketches – Leon

[For the hiatus, I’m going to be posting a bunch of the development art I made for the series. It’ll be posted in the order it was made, leading up to the week the comic resumes] {Old Commentary} You’d think after all these years, I’d know how to draw my main kitty, but he’s still… Continue reading Character Sketches – Leon

Character Sketches – Melody

Character Sketches – Melody published on No Comments on Character Sketches – Melody

[For the hiatus, I’m going to be posting a bunch of the development art I made for the series. It’ll be posted in the order it was made, leading up to the week the comic resumes] {Original Commentary} Leon’s sarcastic but loving sister. The siblings don’t get along, but that’s mostly Leon’s fault. Melody’s really… Continue reading Character Sketches – Melody

Characters – Trinity

Characters – Trinity published on No Comments on Characters – Trinity

[For the hiatus, I’m going to be posting a bunch of the development art I made for the series. It’ll be posted in the order it was made, leading up to the week the comic resumes] {Original Commentary} Looking back at my first attempt to draw Trinity, I didn’t really feel satisfied with her design.… Continue reading Characters – Trinity

Characters – Luca

Characters – Luca published on No Comments on Characters – Luca

[For the hiatus, I’m going to be posting a bunch of the development art I made for the series. It’ll be posted in the order it was made, leading up to the week the comic resumes] {ORIGINAL COMMENTARY} I haven’t changed her proportions much since her conception, but I have changed her outfit and personality… Continue reading Characters – Luca

Background Fodder – Common Cats

Background Fodder – Common Cats published on 1 Comment on Background Fodder – Common Cats

[For the hiatus, I’m going to be posting a bunch of the development art I made for the series. It’ll be posted in the order it was made, leading up to the week the comic resumes] {Original Commentary} Practicing some designs for background common-cats. The physical designs weren’t too difficult, but Solarpunk outfits are something… Continue reading Background Fodder – Common Cats

Alien Sketches – Bonic

Alien Sketches – Bonic published on No Comments on Alien Sketches – Bonic

[For the hiatus, I’m going to be posting a bunch of the development art I made for the series. It’ll be posted in the order it was made, leading up to the week the comic resumes] {Original Commentary} One of the very first aliens that is encountered in Key to the Future’s Fate: The Bonic!… Continue reading Alien Sketches – Bonic

Background Fodder – Neo Cats

Background Fodder – Neo Cats published on No Comments on Background Fodder – Neo Cats

[For the hiatus, I’m going to be posting a bunch of the development art I made for the series. It’ll be posted in the order it was made, leading up to the week the comic resumes] {Original Commentary} Some examples of cats who have gone through more extensive genetic engineering. The most notable differences are… Continue reading Background Fodder – Neo Cats