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Huh… that’s not what I remember happening… Also, here’s the welcome wagon for some of the new SpiderForest comics; part of the group I got in with! Week of September 25   The Struggles of Youth   Two new webcomics to SpiderForest about being in a new school and learning new things about yourself… with… Continue reading Page 236

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OOF, shut down by Ms Shepard. Seems like she’ll be a tougher nut to crack. The new SpiderForest member initiation continues! Here’s the new class of comics for this week! Week of October 2   The Bonds We Share Whether familial, platonic or romantic, these new SpiderForest comics explore bonds that can’t be broken, no… Continue reading Page 237

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I’m going to pretend that I only had to upload this page once, that I didn’t forget like half a dozen minor details while trying to get this one out there. Pretend with me. Anyway the thing we don’t have to pretend is that Simon seems to be going somewhere… somewhere like REALLY nearby.