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Environmental Sketches – Paradox bubbles/BG fodder

Environmental Sketches – Paradox bubbles/BG fodder published on No Comments on Environmental Sketches – Paradox bubbles/BG fodder

[This is being posted as part of the hiatus for KttFF’s second chapter. The comic will resume with CHAPTER 3 on August 24th, 2023]

Since we got a name for them, /technically/ at the end of the Chapter 2 Intermission, I figure there’s no longer a need to hide it! Everyone say hello to the PARADOX BUBBLES! Don’t worry if they freak you out; you won’t remember them. 🙂

I did some explorations of how exactly I want to imagine them interacting with their environments. I obviously kept the major aspects of them seeming to “burn” anything that comes in contact with them, as well as them clustering together. I wonder what /other/ things the bubbles are capable of? :3c

As an extra bonus, have some nice flora. I’m honestly not too proud of how the plant life here came out, but I’m sure I’ve made up for it elsewhere in the comic!

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