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Oof. Sore spot there, Leon? I finally discovered the technique for atmospheric coloring and now I never want to go back. LOVE what this does for the comic.
by Gage Lippolt
Oof. Sore spot there, Leon? I finally discovered the technique for atmospheric coloring and now I never want to go back. LOVE what this does for the comic.
Luca’s having a lot of emotions right now
Luca’s looking spry for 60
Yeah, it sure is a shame that Leon and Luca can’t go to the Spring Fair instead. That sure sounds way more interesting than a dusty old museum. God, I bet that’d be a fun place to explore. Oh well. Guess Leon will just have to make due with whatever snacks they have at the… Continue reading Page 131
Wait, what? Leon, no! That’s not where the plot is!!
Luca: Leon, are you just hungry? I’ve got snacks in my bag
This page was a NIGHTMARE to set up. I went through almost a dozen different thumbnails attempting to get a good angle for showing off the Spring Fair. In the end, as you can see, I went with a few different establishing shots/glimpses of it. The lines coming off of it are tunnels/walkways! Each connect… Continue reading Page 136
You may think this is Leon just being goofy, but if this weird future somehow eliminated the need for bathrooms, that would very quickly become an issue for him.