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Page 252 published on 2 Comments on Page 252

A first look at the Research and Aquaponics labs respectively! Heck, even a little glimpse of the aquarium tunnels too. Fancy place!

Anyway I’m sure we’ll learn more about this “Leodonus” guy, but first, it seems that Simon’s attracted attention…


I feel like the visual storytelling really took a step up in this chapter. I really like the sequences happening in tandem. One of my favorite narrative devices in comics.

YESSS!!! I was a bit nervous about trying something like this, but the structure of the story called for it, and at least to me, it paid off. And as a bonus, it taught me a great deal about pacing and, well, structure, since I had to try and line up elements and tidbits for each “half” of the story being told here.

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