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Looks like there’s a mystery to solve! But at least these two have a friend they can solve it with.

AND THAT’S THE END OF CHAPTER 2… except for the short intermission to follow.
After the intermission, we’ll enter the six month hiatus as I finalize and prepare for CHAPTER 3! Pages for that should start posting August 24th, if all goes well!

In the meantime, I’ll be posting concept art and other goodies to help fill the gap! So once the intermission is done, look forward to that! Oh, and be sure to NOT skip the intermission; each of them carry some important story details in them!


oh dang im caught up!! great work on this! and congrats on finishing two whole chapters! This has been a fun read and im excited to see how they can figure out this frankly very scary problem! an enemy you dont even remember seeing!!! cant wait to see more!

Thank you again for checking out the comic!!
I was incredibly proud when I came up with the idea for the Enemy in the story. Fun fact: when I started work on the first chapter? Those weird white bubble things weren’t even a thing yet! Thankfully, I came up with their concept early enough and how they integrate with the story before it would have been too late.
The main thrust of the second chapter, in the outline was developing the friendship between Leon and Luca, which I personally think I did well on, but I was also proud of how I used the chapter to demonstrate various details about the Weird White Bubbles.
I’ve learned so much working on this comic, and it’s been a blast working on so far! We’ve still got the brief intermission before the hiatus, and then I’m gonna be hype to share Chapter 3 with the world!

The orbs are genuinely soooo scary. Time travel anomalies perhaps?!? But you can’t remember them?! Eek!

I’ve mentioned it before, but one of my favorite things about making an all-ages story was needing to be creative about the threats that I develop. You’re not alone with how much the weird bubbles freak ya out, I’ve heard the sentiment from many other readers! And as a writer, all I can say is, ” >:} GOOD. ” We’ll be learning more about them all soon enough, though!

Cuuuute. The way Luca stands with the little t-rex arms is also very cute. But don’t tell her I said that.

YESSSSSS the t-rex arm pose is one of my FAVORITES to draw her doing.
And don’t worry, while there are many Tecktrins who have completely legitimate gripes with being called “cute,” Luca’s not one of them! She’d take it as a compliment (once she could comprehend that someone thought she was cute)

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