Page 90
In all fairness, Leon, that’s not the worst sight you could have seen.
by Gage Lippolt
In all fairness, Leon, that’s not the worst sight you could have seen.
*looks at the title of the comic* Oh. Oh Gage meant that literally.
I mean, joke’s on them if they ended up giving away the only key to their outhouse
God, took the comic long enough to finally crossover with the Borderlands universe
Trinity: So basically, when you get right down to it, this is all your fault. (Also, the reason that Leon can physically interact with this sim, but his hand went through the head of his past self earlier, is because Trinity is loading up a different simulation here. Some specifically have tactile functionally, while others… Continue reading Page 95
I mean, if the perfect world doesn’t have lots of rainbows in it, it sure wouldn’t be perfect to me
“Do I get all the credit for it?”
Only took you a hundred pages to get with the program, Leon